
Target Audience- Intended group for a presentation/advertisement
Message- The importance or the point of a work
Work Ethic- Personal skills that include hard work and morality that help in the work world
Employability Skills- Skills needed to be hireable and able to survive in the work world
20/20 Rule- Every 20 minutes, look at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds
Right-To-Know Laws- Advocates accessablity to government held information about the environment, safety, and health
Icon- a basic image that represents something
Vector-Based Graphics- image made from geometric shapes, lines, and curves. These can be blown up at any size and keep the quality.
Specs/Specifications of a Project- requirements for a project like size, title, and colors.
Dialog Box (within an application)- a talk bubble made by a rectangle and three anchor points
Palette (within an application)- contains all the tools
Guidelines- rulers on an image in a program that help the designer make things symmetrical or in a certain
positition. These will not be seen on the final product.
Extensions- when the image is too big and extends over an area
Contextual Menu- popup window that appears on certain images
Clipping Mask- crops an image and hides the excess on the outsides of there the designer wants it to go
Hue - hue is the color itself. each different hue is a different reflected wavelength of light.primary colors - red, yellow, blue. no colors can be mixed to make these colors. they are our 3 basic colors
Secondary Colors - orange, green, violet. 2 primary colors are mixed to make these.
Tertiary Colors - primary and secondary colors mixed together. red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet. primary color is named first
Neutral Colors - colors that dont show up on the color wheel. almost gray. very low saturations. blacks, grays, whites, and brown. complimentary color pair mixed. used so that the other colors stand out.
Resolution - resolution is used for pixel count in digital images. the first number is the number of pixel columns and the second is the number if pixel rows.
File Size - file size is the amount of disk space consumed by the file, or how much information is stored within the file. The larger the resolution, the larger the file.
Continuous Tone Image - an image where all variations of color can be represented, images have a virtually unlimited range of color or shades of grays. the digital process copies the effect of a photograph so that the human eye sees an image with unbroken color.
Typography- The art or process of setting and arranging types and printing from them.
Typeface- A particular design of type.
Serif- the smaller line that finishes off a letter on the top and bottom
Body Type- the categories of fonts
Display Type- Large or eye-catching type used for headings or advertisements.
Reverse Type- white letters on black background
Point Size- the unit that measures font
Ligatures- where two or more letters are combined into one character
Ampersand- the symbol for and
Small Caps- capital letters that are a smaller size than regular capitals (align at the waist line)
Lowercase- non-capital letters
Uppercase- capital letters

Flush Left- Everything is aligned to the left.
Flush Right- All the text is aligned to the right.
Centered- Text is in the center.  Has a formal feel.
Justified- Text is aligned on the left and the right where the computer adds spaces to fill.
Lining- Text is aligned at the top and the bottom.
Non-Lining- Text is not aligned at the top and bottom and can extend or go below the lines.
Leading- The space in between lines of type.
Margins- Space left over on all sides of the page
Concept- something formed in one's mind
Final Product- The end results
Thumbnail- a quick sketch to get your thoughts out of our head and onto paper.